Data structure for membrane cans
How it works
The requirements in detail
Convert / embed font
Convert your fonts to paths, or embed them in the document.
Color space CMYK
Use the CMYK color space for your print file (not RGB).
Do not use PANTONE
Pantone colors can not be printed in digital printing. We simulate these automatically via CMYK.
Image resolution at least 300dpi
The resolution of embedded images should be at least 300dpi.
Font size at least 6pt
The size of your fonts should be at least 6 pt. For products made of corrugated cardboard, we recommend a minimum font height of 2 mm.
Line width at least 0.5pt
The line width in your print data should be at least 0.5pt.
Black always as 100% K
Always create black fonts and elements (shapes, lines, colored areas, barcodes, QR codes) with 100% K (0C / 0M / 0Y / 100K).
Safety distance 6 mm
The safety distance to the edge of your print data (punch) and varnish-free zone (blue) should be 6 mm for membrane cans.
Format PDF/X-4:2010
Save your print data as PDF in PDF/X-4:2010 format. Avoid the following data formats: .docx
Edge trim / bleed 3 mm
Your print file must be created with 3 mm bleed so that important elements are not cut off.
Background opaque white
Duplicate the element to be overprinted and place it in the background. Create the background element with a solid color called "HPI-White" (20% cyan). Then set the upper element to "overprint".